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Why Choose Team Home Service for Your Plumbing?

The longer a plumbing or fixture issue goes unresolved, the worse the problem becomes. Over time, corrosion and rust can form on the inside of pipes, leading to leaks and blockages. Additionally, faulty plumbing can lead to water damage in your home, costing you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in repairs. It's therefore crucial to get any plumbing or fixture issues serviced as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

When your drain starts overflowing, you don't have time to waste. Every minute that goes by without someone fixing the problem is another minute of water spilling onto your floor. Team Home Service is available 24/7 for plumbing emergencies. You can compare estimates from plumbers available around you on our website.

Cottonwood Heights Plumbers at the Best Price

You've just had a really bad experience with a plumber. They were expensive, slow, and didn't seem to know what they were doing.

It's really frustrating when you need plumbing services, and you get taken advantage of by a company that doesn't care about your needs.

We have some of the local companies as partners, so you can be sure that you're getting quality service at a fair market price.

Our Plumbing Services in Cottonwood Heights, UT

Gas line leak repair

Gas leaks can be a dangerous and potentially life-threatening situation. Many homeowners are not even aware that they have a gas leak in their home, which makes it all the more important to know what to look for. Common causes of gas leaks include damaged or aging plumbing lines and fixtures, loose connections, faulty appliances, and corrosion. Some common warning signs include an unusual smell of sulfur or rotten eggs, drifting soot around outdoor vents or furnaces, blackened walls or mud around plumbing fixtures, flickering flames on gas stoves or lights on gas appliances, high levels of moisture (or condensation) on windows or walls near indoor pipes, and frequent low-pressure level warnings. If you notice any of these signs in your home, it is crucial to take immediate action by turning off the main valve and calling gas leak experts.

Water leak/mainline repair

Water leaks can occur under the foundation, inside the walls, and in other areas in the plumbing system. They are pretty common in households. Mostly the cause is the old plumbing lines. The signs that there is a water leak are when you see water stains on the ceilings or walls, hear dripping sounds even when all the taps are turned off, notice an increase in your water bill even if you have not used more water than usual or see mold growth. Depending on the severity of the leak, it may be necessary to replace some of the pipes in your plumbing system. However, with proper maintenance and care, most water leaks can be prevented.

Repair of the fixture

Fixtures are a vital part of any bathroom or kitchen, but they can also be one of the most vulnerable parts of the room. Fixtures are subject to a lot of wear and tear, and they can also be damaged by poor installation. It is essential to be aware of the reasons why fixtures may need to be repaired or replaced. One of the most common reasons for fixture damage is normal wear and tear. Over time, fixtures can become loose, cracked, or chipped. In addition, hard water can damage fixtures, causing them to corrode or Scale. Another common reason for the damage is poor installation. If fixtures are not properly installed, they can become loose or improperly sealed, resulting in leaks. In some cases, poor installation can also cause fixtures to break completely. Finally, accidents can also damage fixtures.

Cleansing sewage and drains

In the kitchen, grease and food fragments can build up on the sides of the drain, creating an ideal environment for clogs to form. Clogged drains can have a number of negative consequences for households. They can cause unwanted odors to permeate throughout the kitchen, wreak havoc on your plumbing system, and disrupt daily tasks like cooking and cleaning.

Therefore, it is important to take steps to unclog your kitchen drain regularly in order to prevent these inconveniences from occurring. There are a number of simple tricks that you can try on your own, such as pouring baking soda down the drain or using a homemade natural cleaner that uses vinegar and baking soda. However, if it doesn't work, you may need professional help.

Treatment of hard water

Most people don't think about the water they use every day, but the truth is that water quality can vary greatly from one location to another. One of the most common water quality issues is hard water. It is simply water that contains high levels of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. One of the most common issues is the buildup of fixtures and appliances. Over time, the minerals in hard water can leave behind a sticky residue that is difficult to remove and can lead to costly repairs. Water softeners are designed to remove these minerals from the water supply, preventing buildup and extending the life of your fixtures and appliances.

Repairing leaks in the slab

Slab leaks are a serious and potentially dangerous problem that can cause significant damage to homes and their structures. Depending on how serious the leak is, it can lead to cracks in the foundation, structural instability, mold growth, and other costly issues. Additionally, these leaks can have secondary effects on the health of occupants, potentially causing respiratory problems or exacerbating existing health conditions. To avoid these costly and potentially harmful issues, it is important to identify and fix slab leaks as quickly as possible.

Remodeling bathrooms and kitchens

When it comes to the functional aspects of your home, there are many areas that could use some improvement. For example, outdated fixtures and appliances can be replaced with more efficient, modern models. Similarly, plumbing lines can be updated to prevent leaks and other common problems. By updating these key features of your home, you can save money on your energy costs and enjoy greater convenience and peace of mind. Furthermore, having a well-maintained kitchen or bathroom can also help to improve the overall value of your property, allowing you to recoup some of your investment when it comes time to sell. So if you are looking for a way to enhance the functionality of your home, consider investing in a renovation project for your kitchen or bathroom today!

Waterline repair/replacement

The main water line is the primary pipe that brings water into your home. Over time, this pipe can become corroded or broken down, leading to a loss of water pressure or even a complete loss of water. There are several reasons why this can happen, but the most common cause is simple wear and tear. Over time, the pipe will become thinner and weaker, eventually snapping. Another common cause of damage is tree roots. If a tree root penetrates the pipe, it can block the flow of water and lead to a break. Finally, freezing temperatures can also cause the line to crack. When water freezes, it expands, exerting a tremendous amount of pressure on the pipe. This can cause even a well-built pipe to fail. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to prevent major water line damage. First, have your pipes inspected regularly by a professional plumber. This will allow them to catch any problems before they become serious. Second, if you live in an area with cold winters, wrap your pipes in insulation to protect them from the cold weather. By taking these simple steps, you can avoid the headache of main water line damage.

Hydro jetting

When water backs up in the sink, the tub, or the toilet, it can be incredibly frustrating and even downright hazardous. In order to clear away obstructions from drain pipes and unclog these critical plumbing fixtures, many people turn to hydro jetting. This proven technique involves using high-pressure jets of water to scour the inside of pipes and remove blockages like food particles and grease buildup. But why is this particular method so popular? Well, there are a number of factors that make hydro jetting incredibly effective at clearing drains. For one thing, water is a powerful force that can dislodge even hardened buildup in difficult-to-reach areas of drain pipes. Additionally, this method uses special equipment that can blast through even heavy debris with ease, preventing as much damage to pipes as possible when cleaning them out. So if you're looking for an effective way to clear away your drain clogs and restore smooth plumbing function, look no further than hydro jetting!

Pumps installation and repair

A sump pump is a small but mighty appliance that helps to keep homes dry and prevent flooding. While most people know that sump pumps are designed to remove water from basements and crawl spaces, few realize that they can also play an essential role in protecting sensitive electronic equipment from water damage. When installed in an area where water is likely to accumulate, a sump pump will activate when the water level reaches a certain point, automatically pumping the water out of the site and preventing it from causing any damage. As a result, homeowners who have sump pumps installed can rest assured that their home is safe from both floods and mold.

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